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Time killed my score

annaemurphy279annaemurphy279 Core Member

Hello people of 7Sage,

On Saturday I took the LSAT. I had been studying for months, wasn't doing too bad on my practice tests, (although I didn't take as many as perhaps I should have) and I'd been getting good accuracy when I practiced on my own. I was feeling pretty confident that I would not screw it up too bad, and accepted that no matter the score I'd probably take it again in the summer.

Well, I completely froze and had a mental break down during the LG section. The pressure of the timer just broke my spirit and blocked all access to my memories. I managed to get through one game, and then when I got to the second I realized that it was a type I had not practiced for a long time and became hyper aware of how long it was taking me to figure out how to set up the game board. That's when all hell broke loose and I basically gave up and essentially guessed on all of the LG section. I finished the other two sections without cracking under the time pressure, but I barely had time to look at my answers. It would take some miracle for my score not to be complete trash.

I know its not the end of the world, this test is designed to push your limits mentally, but I still can't believe how I froze up like that! Has anybody ever had this happen to them on test day? I felt like I could not breathe or think! As soon as the exam ended I burst into tears. The questions didn't seem particularly difficult, but I just feel like I let myself down. I'm really hoping this won't crush my confidence in the future.


  • BigJay20BigJay20 Live Member
    443 karma

    I had been PTing -0 on all sections untimed. I took my first timed today and got a 151. I immediately called my ex to have sex. I couldn't be bothered because I've come to realize that this test is to mentally exhaust you in every way they can. You don't have to call your ex but please go do something you love. Eat some ice cream; I like mine with a splash of vodka. Go for a bike ride. Sitting through the test itself is an achievement. You hear me? It's an enormous achievement. What I've learned from your experience is to take a considerable amount of full PT's before sitting for the real thing. You're a fighter!!!

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    @annaemurphy279 said:
    Hello people of 7Sage,

    On Saturday I took the LSAT. I had been studying for months, wasn't doing too bad on my practice tests, (although I didn't take as many as perhaps I should have) and I'd been getting good accuracy when I practiced on my own. I was feeling pretty confident that I would not screw it up too bad, and accepted that no matter the score I'd probably take it again in the summer.

    Well, I completely froze and had a mental break down during the LG section. The pressure of the timer just broke my spirit and blocked all access to my memories. I managed to get through one game, and then when I got to the second I realized that it was a type I had not practiced for a long time and became hyper aware of how long it was taking me to figure out how to set up the game board. That's when all hell broke loose and I basically gave up and essentially guessed on all of the LG section. I finished the other two sections without cracking under the time pressure, but I barely had time to look at my answers. It would take some miracle for my score not to be complete trash.

    I know its not the end of the world, this test is designed to push your limits mentally, but I still can't believe how I froze up like that! Has anybody ever had this happen to them on test day? I felt like I could not breathe or think! As soon as the exam ended I burst into tears. The questions didn't seem particularly difficult, but I just feel like I let myself down. I'm really hoping this won't crush my confidence in the future.

    I feel your pain! I sat for Nov’s after only seriously studying 2 months and got a 150- but I froze during the test. I studied tons more since then and was Pt high 158-160. I took Saturdays lsat and after 45mins of technical difficulties thanks to ProctorU I just lost my groove ya know? Like, I attacked the LR pretty well and was surprised but the RC and LG threw me for a big loop but they’re usually my best sections. Ugh! I just wish we didn’t have to wait two more weeks for our score. This waiting is awful. I want to celebrate, or cry and regroup 😆

  • 540 karma

    My January LSAT 2021 experience reflected a similar sense of panic. I went into this exam thinking that I mastered the LG section (overconfidence). So when I made silly mistakes on G2 and had no idea what G4 game board was, I tried my best to skip as much as possible and focus on the ones that I could get. But that process wasn't automatic and I spent too much time before doing it. I didn't get the score that I wanted on this exam, but it was an important lesson on what to do when you are frozen. When frozen, assess the situation and make a call.

    This test can be an emotional battering ram. Since you recently took the LSAT, I may suggest for you to take some time off to recharge.

    When you are fresher, think back to your exam. What can I do in that situation? How did I even get there in the first place? How can I limit the damage done when I'm stuck on a game in LG? How fast should I skip something?

    Use your practice PTs to mimic testing conditions. Analytically identify your problems and resolve them on your old PTs prior to a new PT.

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