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Taking time off before test day

eelara10eelara10 Core Member
in General 15 karma

Hi all, I am working full time while studying for the LSAT, currently planning to take the June test. I want to take some time off work before test day to review and study full time, right now I can take 1 week off. Just curious if anyone has any advice if I should take the full week off before the June test date, or perhaps stagger the days off (i.e. take a long weekend the week before and 3 days off before test day)? Not sure how helpful it is to take a full week off before test day in terms of gains in studying so close to the test. Thanks much.


  • 13 karma

    I work full time as well and just took the April exam. I am planning on retaking and signed up for June. I took Wed-Fri of the week before off. I'd recommend at least doing that so you can take your mind off of work, but make sure you don't burn yourself out taking practice tests.

    If you can take the week before off as well I'd totally do that and take some extra PTs.

  • eelara10eelara10 Core Member
    15 karma

    Thanks sharing that Michael, I think I'll end up taking the week off before.

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