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No Internship Prospects

ManifestingA173ManifestingA173 Yearly Member
edited May 2021 in Law School Admissions 7 karma

Hi guys! So I am asking for advice because I'm kind of ~freaking out.

I'm a third-year student in university and I don't have any legal internships lined up in the summer. Or any internships for that matter. I'm double-majoring, so instead I'm taking three summer courses to catch up on some requirements and studying for the LSAT simultaneously. This is making me worry because while I do have some extracurricular involvements, most of them are dance-related. I do want to preface that I'm banking off of my entertainment-related activities to justify why I want to go to law school (entertainment law), but still, I'm worried that this will reflect very poorly on my application, especially that I plan on applying for Fall 2022. Any advice? Or words of encouragement? Idk. Anything :/


  • WoodsCommaElleWoodsCommaElle Core Member
    407 karma

    Hey! Take a deep breath [deep breath in, deep breath out].

    And another one!

    [deep breath in, deep breath out]

    Law schools want real world experiences so that you can contribute to classroom discussions and make the campus a more interesting place! Real world experience need not only come in the form of internships - I think your entertainment-related activities totally count, especially given that you want to do entertainment law. Sending you a hug- you're doing fantastic :)

  • Jeff----Jeff---- Alum Member
    205 karma

    At the end of the day it is how you present yourself on your application. Do not make yourself sound like someone without experience, and you will be fine. MAKE SURE, that you come across mature and "grown" in your application, that means (Personal and Diversity statements and any and all addendums you are including to your application).

    Other than that, you are fine. Relax and focus on your strengths and present them well. DO NOT exaggerate, trust me. Admissions officials have a talent to identify BS.

    Good luck and breath.

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