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Request for Any and All Tips/Lessons for MBT, MBF, Weaking, Strengthening

Hi Everyone, I am getting every other question type correct on LR except the ones above. This ranges from 5-8 Questions I miss per LR section and I am missing 2-3 on RC that are also MBT or some variation. I am only missing these questions and they are holding me back from a higher score. I am begging for any tips or YouTube videos on these question types. Thank you!


  • teechj117teechj117 Alum Member
    edited May 2021 296 karma


    I think of MBT/MBF as looking through a telescope. Details and noting the degree of language used (i.e. all, most, some) is key to set a path to the right answer. There's at least two AC's you can eliminate just by scanning the language (i.e. crossing off a AC that contains the words "all" or "most" when passage only qualifies "some" or "few")

    The same goes for RC, but since it deals with larger stimuli, I keep in mind referential phrasing. Getting lost is easy just because something sounds good within the scope of the passage, but isn't specifically mentioned (noting who said it is equally important!). I've practiced paraphrasing for both (like a high resolution), as the test makers will usually try to throw a curve with rephrasing (i.e. trading the term concept for idea), giving you a contrapositive, or an inferred statement as the AC. In the latter cases, it just pays to be well suited with lawgic.

    Strengthen/Weaken is a different story. I'll freeze if I see two AC's that both qualify but one may differ from the other just by using a stronger word. I've read strategies that say go with the strongest one as your best bet, but all these need to do is improve validity (str), or cast doubt (weaken) even by a small amount to be the right answer.

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