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Study Approach

Amelia TaylorAmelia Taylor Core Member

Hi everyone,

I am late to the game and I am using this summer to tackle studying for the LSAT, and taking the August exam.
I know this is an overly ambitious plan of attack but sadly I do not have many other options.

That being said, does anyone have any tips or advice on how I should approach this?? I am not sure if I am better off trying to complete all of the foundational material and lessons, or skipping around or what.

I do not have enough time to complete all 900+ hours of the program before August, so that being said any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

As of now, I am getting through the foundations and then going to begin incorporating the practice tests and such starting mid June, and then from there out switch between the foundation and practice. Not sure if this is the best approach though.

Thank you ! And Goodluck to everyone !

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