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How do I use Subscripts According to Sage? Please help

Lily-YesICAN7Lily-YesICAN7 Alum Member
in General 35 karma

In this question I did
EP -> NS ->/P
P - >/ NS -> /EP

I don't remember where in the CC JY Covered Subscripts and I am not sure how/when to use them.

When I tried to use them before after a quick google search, I would put subscripts and then in JYs video he wouldn't use them so I am just unsure of how to use them according to sage.

Can anyone help?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    For the purposes of this test, subscripts are just to help clarify what your given variable represents. You don't have to use them. You could use any symbol, as long as you are clear on what it means.

  • Lily-YesICAN7Lily-YesICAN7 Alum Member
    35 karma

    Ok amazing! Ty so much !! :D

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