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August Study Grp

Hey! I'm an R&R from last cycle looking to make a higher score on August than I did last year. My PTs are in the low/mid 160s maxing out into 170s (i have a lot of inconsistency issues). I'm looking for some chill people to hop on discord or zoom with and just go over sections together up until the August exam. I did this last year and found some great people to study with so I'm hoping for a repeat of that! A little bit about myself - I just graduated from undergrad (am 21), and I'm currently essentially studying full time. Because of this my schedule is super open so I'm down to study late nights, early mornings, whatever works. My LG is the only thing I have "mastered" so I expect to mostly try covering RC/LR sections, though I'd be glad to run thru some LG every now and then!


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