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7Sage Fee Waiver Thanks

in General 571 karma

While I take the June 2021 LSAT tomorrow, my LSAT journey is long from over. However, I thought it might be an appropriate time to thank 7Sage. Firstly, for the content and organized approach to studying for this demonic exam. Secondly, that they provide LSAT studiers with the opportunity to study this content at an incredibly reduced rate. As a person from an impoverished background who solely supports himself through undergrad, I cannot thank 7Sage enough. Studies show that tutoring, particularly for an exam like the LSAT, will increase your score significantly. This widens an already massive chasm that exists between poor and wealthy students -- and this is not to scorn the latter. 7Sage's core curriculum and JY's snarky remarks were the closest thing I could get to professional tutoring and I am extremely grateful!


  • ishaw18ishaw18 Member
    112 karma

    I wouldn't say closest thing to professional tutoring actually. I a paid for one of the commonly advertised 'professional courses' (which cost we well over $1,000) and I will tell you this, despite them being 'professional' and vastly more expensive, the entire time I was thinking about how I preferred 7Sage's teaching style. Of course this is subjective to what one person may like over another, but you should go into your test knowing that you utilized a fantastic resource, and what is in my opinion, the BEST prep out there! Just because it is called expensive, or someone calls themselves a tutor, does not guarantee their prep is good, but I know for a fact that 7Sage is great!

  • 571 karma

    @ishaw18 said:
    I wouldn't say closest thing to professional tutoring actually. I a paid for one of the commonly advertised 'professional courses' (which cost we well over $1,000) and I will tell you this, despite them being 'professional' and vastly more expensive, the entire time I was thinking about how I preferred 7Sage's teaching style. Of course this is subjective to what one person may like over another, but you should go into your test knowing that you utilized a fantastic resource, and what is in my opinion, the BEST prep out there! Just because it is called expensive, or someone calls themselves a tutor, does not guarantee their prep is good, but I know for a fact that 7Sage is great!

    I totally agree with this. I have heard some horror stories in terms of "professional" tutors. Especially from larger conglomerate tutoring services like Kaplan -- yikes. Basically, I am very lucky to have found 7Sage.

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