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edited June 2021 in Logic Games 56 karma

I am not sure what to do about logic games improvement. It is like one week I will know how to do them efficiently and then I just forget. It is extremely frustrating, especially because I have been studying for so long. At thispoint I am honestly close to giving up because I don't understand why I am struggling so much. If I don't focus on logic games I focus on logic reasoning and RC but if I focus on logic games I get worse at the others. If anyone has advice on how to move pass this please help. :(


  • jmarin5jmarin5 Member
    162 karma

    The key to LGs is to not move on from a game you struggled with until you find out exactly what the source of difficulty is and making sure that you understand how to get around it. Also, getting all the points for a tough game does not rest solely on how good you are at the specific game but also on how quick you complete the easier ones. In my experience, the way I got -0 on LG was how quickly I learned to solve easier games such as pure sequencing or one layered sequencing games. The time buffer I have allows me to think thoroughly about the tough games which is absolutely necessary to a consistent -0 to -2. I am not sure how much time you have to study, but I find it very helpful to do at least a couple of games every single day. It only takes about 20mins but it keeps you refreshed on the different techniques. Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any questions!

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