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What PT's should I start with?

figsandcheesefigsandcheese Alum Member
edited June 2021 in August 2021 LSAT 31 karma

Hi! I am essentially finished with CC and wondering what PT's I should start with and then end with prior to the August exam? I know the more recent PT are more similar to the current tests but a bit different from the CC. If you have prior experience or any advice I would love to hear it! I would aim on taking two or three PT's a week.


  • 571 karma

    First, I would suggest limiting those PTs to two per week. You really want to squeeze all the juice out of a PT before moving on to the next one. What I have found to be very effective is doing sections throughout the week and reviewing those meticulously. During the weekend, I will take 1-2 PTs and review them throughout the following day. If you have gone through the CC, it will actually suggest which PTs to start doing and how to review them. Assuming you did those, it might be best to exhaust all of the more recent tests the closer that you get to your official test date -- don't exhaust all of them if you have to retake. PTs 1-16 are great for becoming familiar with weird LGs. The more recent tests have some very difficult RCs. LR, to me, has always seemed to be average throughout the years that they have administered the test.

    In essence, I would only do the more recent tests close to your test date and do everything else at your leisure!

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