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Error Log Help

hawaii50210hawaii50210 Core Member
in General 44 karma

Does anyone here keep an error log and if so do you use a notebook or on the computer? Im trying to figure out a way to create an error log on paper that's easy to use/helpful so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it!


  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    611 karma

    You mean a wrong answer journal? I haven’t seen anyone else call it an error log but I like it 😎 I personally prefer a computer so I can write and format super long winded notes. Since there are 2 ways to find the correct answer (either find it or eliminate all the wrong ones), I like to include how both processes broke down. What happened that got me to cross out the right answer? What happened that got me to pick the wrong one? It helps me, maybe it’ll help you too. Good luck!

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