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LR Study buddy!

Maryana.K-1Maryana.K-1 Alum Member
in Study Groups 104 karma


I'm currently focusing on the LR part of the LSAT and I'm looking for a study buddy to take sections (separately) and then review/talk about answer choices with. I have improved from -15 on the first LR sections I took to -8 but I still have a long way to go. Please reach if you are interested. I'm in Pacific time and can meet over zoom either early mornings (8am PT) or later in the day (3-5pm PT).

Thank you!!


  • AugustLSATAugustLSAT Alum Member
    92 karma

    Hello, we are in the same boat, definitely interested!

  • 81 karma

    hey! very interested. it really helps to talk out thinking patterns :)

  • danielrodriguez2022danielrodriguez2022 Core Member
    5 karma

    hey, LR my worst section! would love to join

  • LegallyBrunette21LegallyBrunette21 Yearly Member
    500 karma

    Would be interested! I keep scoring around -6 on LR.

  • lsatpatternslsatpatterns Alum Member
    153 karma

    Interested! I'm in PT time as well and 3-5pm would work well.

  • T.A. AusafT.A. Ausaf Yearly Member
    70 karma

    I am interested as well. Feel free to invite me in the study buddy section! :)

  • ConstantineConstantine Member
    1329 karma

    An excellent way to go!

  • tom.cotter.90tom.cotter.90 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    LR is actually my strongest section aside from necessary assumptions but it would be great to reinforce by talking through my reasoning on tougher questions with someone else who understands the test. Let me know if/when you're all getting together.

  • yeasm22syeasm22s Member
    217 karma


  • lsatprepper2lsatprepper2 Member
    68 karma

    I'm at -10, definitely interested! Please let me know when you want to meet.

  • jmaddenjmadden Member
    13 karma

    Hello I am SUPER interested in this. Please also include me. LR is definitely the section I need to figure out how to improve the most on consistently. Logic Games I feel like can be learned, RC is always a gamble, but LR for me is consistently a -10. I can definitely do later in the day.

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