i thought the first RC was hard and the difficulty kind of blindsided me, but the rest of the sections felt relatively straightforward. am praying first RC is the experimental section lol
I had RC - LR- LR- LG.
the RC passages were Nigerian stuff, Ansel adams, Sentence reduction and the universe about nothing. the acknowledgements were mostly to the economist.
For all of you guys with 2 RC, can you help me figure out which LR was experimental?
One of my sections had these topics: speed limits/mugs as incentives not to speed and then also a Q on robots replacing essential workers/tax implications. Was this section experimental?
@detroit_suzuka said:
I had RC - LR- LR- LG.
the RC passages were Nigerian stuff, Ansel adams, Sentence reduction and the universe about nothing. the acknowledgements were mostly to the economist.
Wait…so if you only had one reading comp section, then this was the one that counted right??
@NicoleL39 said:
For all of y'all with 2 RC, can you help us figure out which LR was experimental?
One of my sections had topics of speed limits/mugs as incentives not to speed, and another topic was robots replacing essential workers/tax implciations. Was this section experimental?
sooo I took it at 9 this morning and my brain is mush, but I had two RCs. I’m 99% sure the experimental section is the one with robots replacing essential workers. Also, I don’t remember seeing anything about a mug. Are you saying a mug was an incentive not to speed?
@NicoleL39 said:
For all of y'all with 2 RC, can you help us figure out which LR was experimental?
One of my sections had topics of speed limits/mugs as incentives not to speed, and another topic was robots replacing essential workers/tax implciations. Was this section experimental?
I honestly do not remember having either of those sections. My LR had monkeys and prefixes, funding shark research, finding artifacts on a beach, and counting meals as income.
I just finished. I had two LRs, RC-LR-LR-LG in order. The first LR was 26 questions, and the next one was with 25 questions. The RC section had the Nigerian literature and something related to crime which I don't recall exactly. I didn't finish the second LR section, which I thought the questions were harder compared to the earlier section.
Just finished around an hour ago. I Had RC-LG-LR-RC. I think I had the same test as most of the morning crowd but different ordered RC.
First RC was Nigerian Languages, Prosecutorial Misconduct/Sentence Reduction, Photography Apertures, and Krauss/Quantum Physics.
LG was your typical section. I had Movies, Fencing Matches, Managing a Project, and Political Parties. No surprises, much to my relief since I bombed the June 2021 LG section. So thankful about this.
LR was difficult but not awful. Much like a typical section. I saw myself marking more questions than normal and I finished with less time than usual. I only remember a few questions but they were about monkeys, dairy farms, and hotel advertising.
Second RC was Don Quixote, Winter's Case/Native Americans, GDP, and Light Shift/Galaxy Expansion.
The first RC was a challenge for sure, and the second I thought was a little easier. I did practice doing multiple RC sections back to back which I think helped build stamina for this exact situation. Overall I think the August 2021 test lines up pretty similar to most of the 80's PTs. Fair LG, with more difficult RC and LR sections. I bombed the June 2021 Flex, and I definitely think I did better today. I also had a completely smooth ProctorU experience this time around, unlike last time when I had both proctor and technical difficulties. Another thing I will say is that I am so happy I took the test on the first day this time and got it out of the way for now. In June I took it on Tuesday and looking back I should not have waited until the last day to take it.
@NicoleL39 said:
For all of you guys with 2 RC, can you help me figure out which LR was experimental?
One of my sections had these topics: speed limits/mugs as incentives not to speed and then also a Q on robots replacing essential workers/tax implications. Was this section experimental?
Started in mid afternoon and just finished. RC-LG-LR-RC. I had the same two RCs but in reverse: the first RC was Nigerian languages, photographer, Sentence reduction, and Universe; the second RC was Don Quixote, Winter's case, GDP, and Red light shift.
My Lr has a question about endangered animal and vet using heavy doses or something, hotel ad, fastfood chain satisfied with an unpopular item. Not sure if you had the same Lr, but hope it helps.
@"Lime Green Dot" said:
Hey y'all! Just finished and had 2 RCs as well! LG-RC-LR-RC
1st RC: Winter's case/Native Americans + Don Quixote + Red light shift + GDP
2nd RC: Sentence reduction + Krauss/Universe from Nothing + Some photographer & apertures + Nigerian languages
Interesting. I had RC-LG-LR-RC, but my first RC was the sentence reduction/etc set, and my second was the one that included a comparative GDP passage. 🤷🏻🤷🏻
@avidlsatqueen said:
For those of you who had two RCs (I did too): do you think you did significantly worse on the second?
My second RC passage was the one that included a GDP comparative, and it was my last section on the entire test. I actually think I did better on that final RC section than the one I had first (I had RC-LG-LR-RC).
@"m.floro" said: @ricottacheese I had 2 RC but none of those LR sound familiar to me. There seem to be a few different LR floating around.
ok i’m glad someone else feels the same way because I’ve been VERY concerned I didn’t recognize any of those LR questions lol. the only one mentioned that I remember seeing is the one on speed limits.
RC-LR-LR-LG. I had connection issues after the 2cd section for about 45 seconds and was not given my 10 minute break. Did anyone have something similar happen to them??
Had RC-LR-LR-LG. RC was a bit tough definitely had dense passages. Second LR (which I believe was definitely experimental) was hard AF and LG was not too bad either but did get stuck on a couple questions.
If you do happen to get the same RC as today or even if it’s different, would you please let us know here? Thank you and good luck you got this!
If I had to guess I would say that the second LR section was the experimental section. I’ve taken over 30 PTs on here with the four section format and I believe it most closely confirmed to which of the two LRs is the experimental.
The RC Nigerian languages was tough but the LG seemed pretty easy. Made the mistake of skipping to the fourth game thinking it would easier than the third game but when I went back to the third game I found it was actually more simple than i assumed it to be and I ended up having to guess on the last couple.
@lukeprice3219 agreed!! I thought the first LR was so hard but the second one wasn't so bad. For the other posters above who thought the reverse, I'm hoping the order of LR sections was switched for different tests (seems to be the case for double RC versions)
@NicoleL39 said: @lukeprice3219 agreed!! I thought the first LR was so hard but the second one wasn't so bad. For the other posters above who thought the reverse, I'm hoping the order of LR sections was switched for different tests (seems to be the case for double RC versions)
For people with two LR: are you thinking the experimental section was the one with the speed limit/mug incentive and the robot worker/tax incentive Qs?
@NicoleL39 Which PT did you think the LR was more like? I also think LR section difficulty depends on personal strengths/weaknesses. I for one, thought PT 89 and 88 LRs were relatively easier than other 80s tests, but that was probably because PT89 especially, was heavy on conditional and causal logic, and not so much other random sh*tty arguments that LSAT writers come up with.
I had RC (felt tough) - LR - LR - LG. Really struggling to remember which questions belonged to which LR section but I do remember the first was 26 questions and the second was 25 questions. Any idea which LR was experimental? The second felt much easier to me.
I took the test this afternoon, I had RC-LR-LR-LG, the RC was more on the difficult side and included passages on Nigerian authors, trees/grasses and symbiosis, electrical companies, and privatization. LG was straightforward, definitely the easiest section for me.
The first LR felt much easier than the second, I'm forgetting which questions were on it. The second LR had questions like: a book on opera/the medieval era, tire pressure, and economic growth. I hope the second LR was the experimental one.
Hi all, I just finished the August exam and I hope everyone did well! Did anyone else have technical issues??!
Unfortunately, I was interrupted repeatedly throughout my first RC section by a pop-up that said "reconnecting". It obscured the exam, but the time was still running. Because of this, I lost probably 10-15 minutes of exam time and had no opportunity to answer the last 7 RC questions because the pop-up was appearing every few seconds at that point. Not to mention, the entire experience was disruptive and threw me out of my flow state.
I eventually got my proctor's attention, but it was too late for the RC section. During the following section (LR), we had to pause everything at question 14 and test my WiFi speed. Not as bad as the RC, but the interruption still made it more difficult to focus.
I have a feeling that I'm not alone in this. I even tested everything multiple times on ProctorU before starting the test. Does anyone know what we can do?
PS: I only had one RC and it was Nigerian literature
Not to freak anyone out, but since this is a legit concern this time around, anyone else planning to reg for October as a safety net since we don't have the benefit of seeing our scores (tbr 9/10) bfr the October reg deadline (8/25)?
@"Lime Green Dot" said:
Not to freak anyone out, but since this is a legit concern this time around, anyone else planning to reg for October as a safety net since we don't have the benefit of seeing our scores (tbr 9/10) bfr the October reg deadline (8/25)?
I had two LR, and it went RC, LR, LR, LG. I am a little concerned because I got interrupted in the 3rd game by my proctor right as I was getting into it. Apparently I was leaning over my paper too much towards the left and that completely killed my momentum. I was seriously concerned if that might invalidate my score since the proctor didn't elaborate until the end, so it took me about 2-3 min to snap back. Not proud of it but it happens I guess.
@delaneyivey28 good to know! sorry you had a rough experience w/ tech issues... did you try contacting LSAC via email? Word of mouth for prior LSAT Flex tests was that they offered some retakes later in the testing week, not necessarily for all technical issues, but maybe if they were 'significant' enough... subjective yardstick, but it might still be worth emailing them if you feel there's a good chance it significantly affected your performance.
You can submit an official "complaint" (must be done w/in 3 days of testing; hold will be placed on your test while LSAC investigates) or "feedback" (just says can be submitted 'after' your test; but read through the description... you need to take a few extra steps) through your LSAC account here: https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat/lsat-test-day-complaints-and-feedback
@"Lime Green Dot" said: @delaneyivey28 good to know! sorry you had a rough experience w/ tech issues... did you try contacting LSAC via email? Word of mouth was that they offered some retakes later in the testing week, not necessarily for all technical issues, but maybe if they were 'significant' enough... subjective yardstick, but it might still be worth emailing them if you feel there's a good chance it significantly affected your performance.
That's my plan. I figure they have a record of everything. Not sure if I have the mental capacity for a re-take but we will see what happens, and worse case scenario I take it again in October
@"Lime Green Dot" said:
Not to freak anyone out, but since this is a legit concern this time around, anyone else planning to reg for October as a safety net since we don't have the benefit of seeing our scores (tbr 9/10) bfr the October reg deadline (8/25)?
Anyways, 🤞🤞🤞 all!!
I am. Hopefully I won't have to retake but I'm signing up for Oct anyways.
If I had to guess I would say that the second LR section was the experimental section. I’ve taken over 30 PTs on here with the four section format and I believe it most closely confirmed to which of the two LRs is the experimental.
The RC Nigerian languages was tough but the LG seemed pretty easy. Made the mistake of skipping to the fourth game thinking it would easier than the third game but when I went back to the third game I found it was actually more simple than i assumed it to be and I ended up having to guess on the last couple.
Had the exact same layout! I think the second LR was experimental as well since it was tough and the questions that were given were not as formulaic as an original LR section.
@Jack. sorry I missed your post earlier! Doing the 80s felt sneaky if I recall correctly, lots of borderline cases of like "does this really weaken/strengthen powerfully or just lousily do it but anyways probably gets the job done?" Same with some of the MSS/RRE types -- just a rough memory of this set of 10.
The LR section I had (billboard sign partially blocked, monkeys using tokens/liking fruits, seasoned chicken/fresh chicken at a store) didn't feel as 'conniving'--more clear-cut, but definitely a couple of tricky ones as there are in just about any test. So I'd say less 80s more 60s/70s in that respect.
Just finished, I had RC-LR-LG-RC
i thought the first RC was hard and the difficulty kind of blindsided me, but the rest of the sections felt relatively straightforward. am praying first RC is the experimental section lol
The RC was very difficult!! RC has always been my worst section, though. I had the Nigerian languages as the first passage.
has anyone so far had a non-RC experimental section?
@NicoleL39 oh no. was quantum fields & aperture also topics for your RC?
1st RC: Legal Sentencing reduction + Krauss/Universe from Nothing + Ansel Adams & apertures + Nigerian languages
2nd RC: Winter vs. US (Protected Native American Lands) + Don Quixote + GDP comparative + Red light shift
LG was standard - no major curveballs. I thought first RC was harder, but I was also very mentally tired by my last RC section so, who knows.
Did anyone else notice a typo in one of the LR questions? Wondering if I should contact LSAC about that...
I had RC - LR- LR- LG.
the RC passages were Nigerian stuff, Ansel adams, Sentence reduction and the universe about nothing. the acknowledgements were mostly to the economist.
Would you say LR seemed similar in difficulty to PTs in the 60/70s, or more like the 80s?
For all of you guys with 2 RC, can you help me figure out which LR was experimental?
One of my sections had these topics: speed limits/mugs as incentives not to speed and then also a Q on robots replacing essential workers/tax implications. Was this section experimental?
@NicoleL39 my lr had a question about monkeys. I had 2 rc.
Wait…so if you only had one reading comp section, then this was the one that counted right??
sooo I took it at 9 this morning and my brain is mush, but I had two RCs. I’m 99% sure the experimental section is the one with robots replacing essential workers. Also, I don’t remember seeing anything about a mug. Are you saying a mug was an incentive not to speed?
I honestly do not remember having either of those sections. My LR had monkeys and prefixes, funding shark research, finding artifacts on a beach, and counting meals as income.
I just finished. I had two LRs, RC-LR-LR-LG in order. The first LR was 26 questions, and the next one was with 25 questions. The RC section had the Nigerian literature and something related to crime which I don't recall exactly. I didn't finish the second LR section, which I thought the questions were harder compared to the earlier section.
Just finished around an hour ago. I Had RC-LG-LR-RC. I think I had the same test as most of the morning crowd but different ordered RC.
First RC was Nigerian Languages, Prosecutorial Misconduct/Sentence Reduction, Photography Apertures, and Krauss/Quantum Physics.
LG was your typical section. I had Movies, Fencing Matches, Managing a Project, and Political Parties. No surprises, much to my relief since I bombed the June 2021 LG section. So thankful about this.
LR was difficult but not awful. Much like a typical section. I saw myself marking more questions than normal and I finished with less time than usual. I only remember a few questions but they were about monkeys, dairy farms, and hotel advertising.
Second RC was Don Quixote, Winter's Case/Native Americans, GDP, and Light Shift/Galaxy Expansion.
The first RC was a challenge for sure, and the second I thought was a little easier. I did practice doing multiple RC sections back to back which I think helped build stamina for this exact situation. Overall I think the August 2021 test lines up pretty similar to most of the 80's PTs. Fair LG, with more difficult RC and LR sections. I bombed the June 2021 Flex, and I definitely think I did better today. I also had a completely smooth ProctorU experience this time around, unlike last time when I had both proctor and technical difficulties. Another thing I will say is that I am so happy I took the test on the first day this time and got it out of the way for now. In June I took it on Tuesday and looking back I should not have waited until the last day to take it.
@wonha1995 We had the same format! I thought the first LR was harder though. Do you remember any topics from either section?
Started in mid afternoon and just finished. RC-LG-LR-RC. I had the same two RCs but in reverse: the first RC was Nigerian languages, photographer, Sentence reduction, and Universe; the second RC was Don Quixote, Winter's case, GDP, and Red light shift.
My Lr has a question about endangered animal and vet using heavy doses or something, hotel ad, fastfood chain satisfied with an unpopular item. Not sure if you had the same Lr, but hope it helps.
Interesting. I had RC-LG-LR-RC, but my first RC was the sentence reduction/etc set, and my second was the one that included a comparative GDP passage. 🤷🏻🤷🏻
My second RC passage was the one that included a GDP comparative, and it was my last section on the entire test. I actually think I did better on that final RC section than the one I had first (I had RC-LG-LR-RC).
@ricottacheese I had 2 RC but none of those LR sound familiar to me. There seem to be a few different LR floating around.
ok i’m glad someone else feels the same way because I’ve been VERY concerned I didn’t recognize any of those LR questions lol. the only one mentioned that I remember seeing is the one on speed limits.
Had no idea we could use command+F. That would have helped a lot haha
I had two LRs. One definitely felt a lot easier than the other.
It seems like the one with the Nigerian languages RC is the real RC, from what people have said.
RC-LR-LR-LG. I had connection issues after the 2cd section for about 45 seconds and was not given my 10 minute break. Did anyone have something similar happen to them??
Had RC-LR-LR-LG. RC was a bit tough definitely had dense passages. Second LR (which I believe was definitely experimental) was hard AF and LG was not too bad either but did get stuck on a couple questions.
im taking it tomorrow & im sad that both RCs are tough.. is there a chance ill be getting a 3rd RC that no one has gotten yet?
Rip. Definitely thought that was worse. Last passage was a lot
you got this!
If you do happen to get the same RC as today or even if it’s different, would you please let us know here? Thank you and good luck
If I had to guess I would say that the second LR section was the experimental section. I’ve taken over 30 PTs on here with the four section format and I believe it most closely confirmed to which of the two LRs is the experimental.
The RC Nigerian languages was tough but the LG seemed pretty easy. Made the mistake of skipping to the fourth game thinking it would easier than the third game but when I went back to the third game I found it was actually more simple than i assumed it to be and I ended up having to guess on the last couple.
I had RC-LR-LR-LG.
The RC had passages about quantum physics, Nigerians, and such.
The first LR was 26 questions and was really tough. The second LR was a breeze and I very much hope that was the one that counts.
LG seemed pretty standard.
@lukeprice3219 agreed!! I thought the first LR was so hard but the second one wasn't so bad. For the other posters above who thought the reverse, I'm hoping the order of LR sections was switched for different tests (seems to be the case for double RC versions)
was the logic games section pretty basic? no weird or very difficult games?
@NicoleL39 Which PT did you think the LR was more like? I also think LR section difficulty depends on personal strengths/weaknesses. I for one, thought PT 89 and 88 LRs were relatively easier than other 80s tests, but that was probably because PT89 especially, was heavy on conditional and causal logic, and not so much other random sh*tty arguments that LSAT writers come up with.
I had RC (felt tough) - LR - LR - LG. Really struggling to remember which questions belonged to which LR section but I do remember the first was 26 questions and the second was 25 questions. Any idea which LR was experimental? The second felt much easier to me.
I took the test this afternoon, I had RC-LR-LR-LG, the RC was more on the difficult side and included passages on Nigerian authors, trees/grasses and symbiosis, electrical companies, and privatization. LG was straightforward, definitely the easiest section for me.
The first LR felt much easier than the second, I'm forgetting which questions were on it. The second LR had questions like: a book on opera/the medieval era, tire pressure, and economic growth. I hope the second LR was the experimental one.
Hi all, I just finished the August exam and I hope everyone did well! Did anyone else have technical issues??!
Unfortunately, I was interrupted repeatedly throughout my first RC section by a pop-up that said "reconnecting". It obscured the exam, but the time was still running. Because of this, I lost probably 10-15 minutes of exam time and had no opportunity to answer the last 7 RC questions because the pop-up was appearing every few seconds at that point. Not to mention, the entire experience was disruptive and threw me out of my flow state.
I eventually got my proctor's attention, but it was too late for the RC section. During the following section (LR), we had to pause everything at question 14 and test my WiFi speed. Not as bad as the RC, but the interruption still made it more difficult to focus.
I have a feeling that I'm not alone in this. I even tested everything multiple times on ProctorU before starting the test. Does anyone know what we can do?
PS: I only had one RC and it was Nigerian literature
@"Jordan Johnson" oof, starting with that RC section would be rough! But I guess ending on it wasn't that fun either. 😐
Not to freak anyone out, but since this is a legit concern this time around, anyone else planning to reg for October as a safety net since we don't have the benefit of seeing our scores (tbr 9/10) bfr the October reg deadline (8/25)?
Anyways, 🤞🤞🤞 all!!
Yep I am
I had two LR, and it went RC, LR, LR, LG. I am a little concerned because I got interrupted in the 3rd game by my proctor right as I was getting into it. Apparently I was leaning over my paper too much towards the left and that completely killed my momentum. I was seriously concerned if that might invalidate my score since the proctor didn't elaborate until the end, so it took me about 2-3 min to snap back. Not proud of it but it happens I guess.
@delaneyivey28 good to know! sorry you had a rough experience w/ tech issues... did you try contacting LSAC via email? Word of mouth for prior LSAT Flex tests was that they offered some retakes later in the testing week, not necessarily for all technical issues, but maybe if they were 'significant' enough... subjective yardstick, but it might still be worth emailing them if you feel there's a good chance it significantly affected your performance.
I did find this on the FAQ (https://www.lsac.org/lsat/frequently-asked-questions-about-lsat):
You can submit an official "complaint" (must be done w/in 3 days of testing; hold will be placed on your test while LSAC investigates) or "feedback" (just says can be submitted 'after' your test; but read through the description... you need to take a few extra steps) through your LSAC account here:
That's my plan. I figure they have a record of everything. Not sure if I have the mental capacity for a re-take but we will see what happens, and worse case scenario I take it again in October
For those who had only 1 LR, how many questions do you got? Thank you!
@allthewayup 26
I am. Hopefully I won't have to retake but I'm signing up for Oct anyways.
Had the exact same layout! I think the second LR was experimental as well since it was tough and the questions that were given were not as formulaic as an original LR section.
Does everyone who got two LR (RC-LR-LR-LG) get them in the same order?
I was also curious to know if this is allowed
@Jack. sorry I missed your post earlier! Doing the 80s felt sneaky if I recall correctly, lots of borderline cases of like "does this really weaken/strengthen powerfully or just lousily do it but anyways probably gets the job done?" Same with some of the MSS/RRE types -- just a rough memory of this set of 10.
The LR section I had (billboard sign partially blocked, monkeys using tokens/liking fruits, seasoned chicken/fresh chicken at a store) didn't feel as 'conniving'--more clear-cut, but definitely a couple of tricky ones as there are in just about any test. So I'd say less 80s more 60s/70s in that respect.