PT19.S4.Q4 - Working under flextime schedules

hotranchsaucehotranchsauce Member
edited August 2021 in Logical Reasoning 288 karma

I ran into something that kind of tripped me up and I wanted to hear from someone else (hint, it's the phrase "in order to"). Can I break the argument down as follows?

Because studies show that flex is associated with morale(P), ABC should therefore flex (SCC), therefore increasing production(MCC).

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question"


  • jknarf513jknarf513 Member
    189 karma

    The main conclusion is that ABC should implement flextime, not that they should increase production. Increasing production is the goal of the company but it isn't the author's conclusion. Imagine ABC having a company meeting to discuss how to increase productivity and this author is arguing that we should meet the goal of increasing productivity by implementing flextime.
    P1:Flex time increases morale
    NA: morale increases production
    SC: flex time increases production
    C: ABC should implement flex time

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