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Silly LOR question.

If I have an LOR from work does that job have to be on my resume when I apply to schools?
The LOR is impressive. But the job is not as impressive as my other work experience.


  • This is a good question. Personally, from my own bias opinion, I think it would be best to have at least a section if there is space on the resume like "other/unrelated work experience" and then put that job there. Like I work for a charity and the head of that organization is writing me a rec. letter, but the actual work I do is not at all Law related and thus only a couple lines on my resume.

  • andrew.rsnandrew.rsn Alum Member
    831 karma

    I would suggest that if you are having an employer write a LOR for you, then that job should be on your resume, otherwise that may raise a question mark. I think it's important to remember that just because something doesn't seem "impressive" doesn't mean it isn't important. It's not expected for you to have law related experience when applying to law school.

  • Thanks.

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