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Help and tips needed

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I've been stuck on 158 since over a month. I could really use your help. My main problem is the Logical reasoning section. I get over 10 incorrect answers.


  • 476 karma

    Hey! What's your score breakdown for the others?

    For LR, what question types does your Analytics highlight as higher priority? You could make a section out of them and drill.

    Do you BR? If so, what is your process?

  • 124 karma

    Hi! Once you have finished the core curriculum on 7Sage, I highly recommend reading The Loophole book, it brought me from -11 to the -5 range. I also felt like I got a lot more out of JY's video explanations by understanding how to process the stimulus and avoid trap answer choices. Best of luck!

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