Thank you 7sage! 155diag–>169june–>august170

bunnyfriend7bunnyfriend7 Member
in General 191 karma

I just wanted to say thank you JY, and also the 7sage community at large. Everyone is always so eager to answer questions and advice posts with the most thoughtful responses. After getting a score that I am happy with, I am so relieved that I am finally done with this test!

Nothing I did to study was any different from the advice that is dished out through out the forum (fundamentals, drilling, PTs, BR and review) BUT one sorta different thing was that I didn’t study THAT much per day: unless it was a PT day, I would usually max out at 2 hours; (I started studying in January)I read fiction in my free time, not the Economist; I also took a break from studying after the June Test until mid July and studied sporadically until August rolled around. I know everyone has different schedules, but I would always feel like I wasn’t studying enough, and then this leads to imposter syndrome when you’re trying to take the exam and so forth… So, if you find yourself doubting your abilities, that you’re not studying “enough”, just know that you don’t have to study 6+ hours a day to still walk away with a decent score (and yes a 169/170 are decent scores contrary to what Reddit will have you believe) Anyways, I hope this may be affirming for anyone who finds themselves doubting their study habits and routine. At the end of the day, it’s a standardized test and you don’t have to get everything right, just enough right.
Good luck October+ test takers and peace out 7sage, it’s been a not-so-fun, fun 8 months 😆


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