Applying to school twice in one admission cycle - thoughts?

edited September 2021 in Law School Admissions 50 karma

I talked with someone in the admissions office at a law school, and they said I can apply twice in a single admission cycle.

E.g., apply in September 2021, and if rejected but end up getting a LSAT higher score later (e.g. in December 2021), I can ask for my application to be reconsidered in light of the higher score for that same year (i.e. to start classes in Fall 2022).

This is my first time hearing about something like this. Can anyone confirm?

If that's the case, is there any downside to applying right now, taking the LSAT after to try to improve my score, and if rejected, ask for my app to be reconsidered (assuming my LSAT score increases)? And if there isn't a downside, why don't more people do this?


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