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PT on paper vs digital

0111202001112020 Member
in General 31 karma

I’ve only been working on questions and PTing digitally because I didn’t want to get used to doing them on paper but so often feel like I could really benefit from the paper format at least while going through cc and just figuring all the stuff out. Wondering if anyone has experience in studying/PTing on paper until maybe closer to the final few PTs before the actual test? Did you find it helpful to work on paper? Did you have difficulty switching over to digital later? Any thoughts are appreciated!


  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    4312 karma

    I printed out the LG games and did them on paper, albeit, games are done solely on paper so there wasn’t a huge difference when I went back to the digital format. I’d be cautious taking PTs on paper unless you have accommodations. For some they perform better on RC and LR in paper format then have a difficult time transitioning to a digital format and see their accuracy decrease. I think it’s okay for review, but not the best form of practice for drilling or PTing. Hope this helps!

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