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help for October test

jjjkk222jjjkk222 Member
in General 48 karma

After receiving my august score which was must lower than anticipated I've had a hard time getting my groove back and am doing much worse on LR than before. what do I do I take the October test next weekend?


  • ledkarlyledkarly Member
    483 karma

    I wouldn't take it, youre probably burning out. I would wait for November or even January. Dont waste an opportunity, just "to get it over with".

  • puffinbdpuffinbd Yearly Member
    43 karma

    i think thats completely dependent on where your target score is and if you were hitting it when you took august and now during prep for October. It also helps to know what may have 'went wrong,' in august. was it your first test? were you extremely nervous? did you get a particularly hard section? once you're able to figure that out, then you can tackle it better and feel better about whichever test you choose to take. You know yourself the best and its only you going in to take that test so whatever decision you make it should be honest to yourself.

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    I would, at the very least, take the weekend off, see how you feel next week. Giving your brain a break might be just what you need to reset before attempting October. Over-studying at this point will likely be counterproductive and can lead to burnout, which is no good. This test is unique, you cannot cram for it, just trust that you've put in the work, and focus on eating healthy, getting some physical activity, meditate (if that's your thing), read a good book, listen to a podcast, engage your creativity (write, draw, etc).
    You might find this helpful, from one of the 7Sage tutors I have worked with:

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