Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). November 23rd retake questions - 7Sage Forum

November 23rd retake questions

in General 211 karma

I got approved to take the November 23rd test after the technical disaster that happened.

  • Are retakes harder/easier/the same as normal tests?
  • Who here is going to get the retake?
  • If we take the retake, any idea when will we get our scores?


  • domm2222domm2222 Member
    72 karma


  • a_pmorenoca_pmorenoc Member
    633 karma

    Did a retake in October, I’m not sure what’s considered easier/harder as it depends on your strengths and if you’re lucky to get the order you prefer. I would assume all the tests are around the same difficulty. And I was still guaranteed my score at the same time everyone else was so yours should still be Dec 1.

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