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Should I apply now or wait? Please help me.

I just got my January 2022 LSAT score of a 166. This was a retake, and I first took the LSAT in October 2020 and got a 165. My goal was a 168-170. I am disappointed but whatever. I really really don’t want to take this again while working full time. I’m thinking of applying this September for the next cycle or throwing in a few applications right now for this cycle. I have a 3.9 GPA, graduated from a top-4 public college, and have a rare physical disability which is what my personal statement is about FWIW.

I applied last cycle with my 165 and didn’t get in anywhere except GWU (but no scholarship). I did get waitlisted at Penn and Michigan fwiw. I am determined to going to law school and would like to get a good amount of scholarship money if I can. It’s just a matter of when. I’m looking at the lower t-14 to t-20s-30. I’m casting a wide net for schools.

Should I even throw in a few applications for this cycle right now or just wait entirely until September? I am very conflicted. Thanks.


  • Tajira McCoyTajira McCoy Member Administrator Admissions Consultant
    863 karma

    Hi @redsoxrocker, thanks so much for your question. I'm a former admissions officer, and I'd suggest waiting until September to have an earlier submission, especially if you're hoping not only for admission but to receive substantial scholarship. Given the range of schools you're looking at, retaking the LSAT and improving your score by 2-4 points would help both with the admission and scholarship considerations. Especially if you're primarily focused on T20 schools, schools become much more selective when they have fewer seats remaining. Similarly, a large chunk of their scholarship dollars have already been awarded, which diminishes potential for scholarship for an applicant who is submitting later in the cycle as a high GPA splitter. Whether you retake the LSAT or not, earlier in the cycle gives you greater opportunity if scholarship is a priority. If you really want to apply for this cycle, and you're focused on the T30, consider applying at schools where your GPA is above the 75th percentile and your LSAT score is at or above median. I'm rooting for you!

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