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Taking 1 PT over several sittings?

lily2644lily2644 Member
in General 16 karma

Hi all,
I am preparing for the June 2022 LSAT and want to take plenty of practice tests, but I very rarely have 2.5-3 straight hours of time to take the test in one sitting.
I know it's ideal to take it all on one go, but do you think it'd be ok to space one test out over a few days instead?
I figure it's better to take a test under less preferable conditions than to not take one at all.

Also, how much do you think this method would inflate my final score? Fatigue is certainly a relevant factor in determining my final score.


  • sgriffgorsgriffgor Member
    98 karma

    I have this same question as I'm set to transition to PTs only by March.

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