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Study Strategies

ShyRonnieShyRonnie Member
in General 31 karma

This is my first time studying since August of 2021. I studied full time from August 2020 to April 2021 and part time until August 2021. Took 3 LSATs and had a score regression 165-161-158. At this point I've used most of the LSAT material available. Redoing the questions I worked on the longest time ago. Right now my strategy is to focus on why the wrong answers are wrong instead of searching for the right answer, especially when I think I remember the answer to a question. Any advice on other strategies that would help someone who has exhausted the practice tests and questions?


  • Scott MilamScott Milam Member Administrator Moderator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1341 karma

    Hey @ShyRonnie !

    The answer to "how should you study" is going to depend a lot on what parts of the test you are struggling with and why. There is a big difference between "High BR, Low Actual" students who know the material well but struggle with timing and students whose BR and actual are pretty close together (and thus likely have some gaps in understanding).

    I would really recommend that you go over your analytics with someone who knows what they are doing and can recommend a study plan. If you'd like, I'd be happy to do a free consult with you, go over your analytics and answer any questions you have! I can also tell you a bit about our tutoring program, and share some of the ways we've helped students who have run out of their prep material still make progress!

    If you'd like to look into our program, you can find out more here:

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