Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Is it worth applying to Law Schools where your LSAT/GPA is in the schools 25th percentile? - 7Sage Forum

Is it worth applying to Law Schools where your LSAT/GPA is in the schools 25th percentile?

168/3.79168/3.79 Free Trial Member
in General 10 karma
In context, if it helps, I have a 168, a 3.79, and very strong extracurriculars and wondering if it's worth my money to apply at the following schools, where I would fall above the 25th percentile but below the 50th percentile? Is it worth it for anyone to apply at a school where they fall in the 25th percentile?
I really appreciate any insight

[School's 25th percentile LSAT/GPA]
- Columbia (170/3.58)
- Harvard (170/3.75)
- Stanford (169/3.8)
- UChicago (166/3.79)

Data: 2014 http://www.lstscorereports.com/national/admissions/2014/


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you're a URM it's definitely worth it regardless of any other information you could provide. If not, then it's really all a matter of what you really want. If you really want to go to any or all of those schools then of course it's worth it for the small shot you might have at any one of them. And who knows, something in your background, resume or PS might get seen by the right person and you're in. All of those schools are excellent and H/S can be life changing. I'm applying to all of those schools and I have a sub 3.0 GPA and haven't taken the LSAT yet. I know it's a snowball's chance in hell but I figure I have a better shot of sneaking into one than winning the lottery and for 28 bucks a pop for the LSAC fee or whatever, then who cares? We all have dream schools, reach schools, target schools and safety schools. In my opinion you'll regret it more if you don't do it. Let them reject you, don't ding yourself.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    edited July 2015 1654 karma
    Barring URM status or a close relative who gives millions of dollars to the school every year, all of those schools are major "reach schools" for you. Your best bet in the T14 with your #s are Cornell, Georgetown, UVA (with an ED app), Michigan, Duke (possibly?), Northwestern (if you have WE). YHSCCNP are all major reaches. IF you had a 4.00 gpa, that would be a completely different scenario, one which would most likely get you into NYU and down. But, as @Pacifico said, you have nothing to lose (aside from the application fee) and everything to gain by applying. Hope for the best. Either way, you will get into a T14, which will give you great opportunities in life. Congrats on doing well.
  • EmergingAttorney180EmergingAttorney180 Alum Member
    133 karma
    Why not apply for them and meanwhile retake the LSAT in October or December? That way if you improve your score even by a couple of points, you can improve your chances from having an outside shot at acceptance to possibly becoming a much more competitive applicant.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    ^This is also a good idea if you have only taken it once or twice. These schools won't care about two or three scores especially if you trend upwards. Really nothing to lose on that front either. Cracking a 171/172 will likely get you into at least one of those, especially if medians fall again next year.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    In my opinion you'll regret it more if you don't do it. Let them reject you, don't ding yourself.
    Yes. And a retake won't hurt you, methinks. You might consider getting a free consultation with an admissions counselor.
  • GordonBombayGordonBombay Alum Member
    456 karma
    Yes it is absolutely worth it. You're a strong candidate at damn near every law school in the country, so even if you're not getting fee waivers I would still apply, especially if you are a minority candidate. Also since there are generally less people applying to law schools these days your chances are as good as they ever have been to be accepted to a school where your LSAT or GPA is a little short of the 25th percentile. I have a couple of friends who both got accepted to t14's in the last few cycles and both of their LSAT scores where slightly BELOW the 25th percentile for their respective schools although both had GPAs at or slightly above the 75th percentile for their schools. Hope that helps.
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