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Review strategy of LG

cofactorcofactor Core Member
in Logic Games 72 karma

Hello there, I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions about how to review of the LG section. I have finished all sample questions of LG in the core curriculum and reviewed these questions with Fool Proof Method. However, moving forward, I don't know if I need to further finish all LG problem sets by type or just start to do PTs to practice under time constraints of a full test. Can anyone help me with this?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    I also recently completed the games section of the CC. From reading through numerous discussion posts, I think the best approach is to fool proof all games from tests 1-35. From my understanding, there’s a bunch of unusual games in these tests that will prepare you for most of what the test writers can throw at you (as long as you fool proof them diligently).

    If you need additional practice, I don’t think it could hurt to fool proof more games from tests after PTs 1-35, as well.

  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    227 karma

    I agree with Matt. Doing the Fool Proof method can be very effective. I think the best thing to do moving forward is to do the fool proof method in order of pt 1-35 that way you do not know the game type. This will allow you to learn how to identify game types as well. The rules type and the keywords in games will help with that. After you are done fool proofing pt 1-35 then you will have a better idea of what game types you struggle with. That is when you start drilling problem sets with that specific game type. Hopefully by this time you will not only have a good grasp on the games, but also have a good handle with time. If you don't have the time down pack then start with timed sections.
    Also remember to watch the videos even if you got it right. I know the method says you can move on, but there is a huge advantage to watching the videos anyways... You could see someone else (in this case JY) does the game and see if maybe there were inferences you missed or if there was a more effective setup or approach you could have taken.

  • cofactorcofactor Core Member
    72 karma

    @Matt Sorr and @Ms.LeeSanz. Thank you very much for your suggestions. That is very helpful.

  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    227 karma

    You’re welcome

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