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PT Score Drops

madisont144madisont144 Member
edited June 2022 in General 108 karma

I have been studying for the LSAT for a while now but have only taken 3 PTs so far. Is it normal for scores to fluctuate? I am planning to take the LSAT in August 2022, and I think I am going to start taking PTs three times/wk. My goal is to get a 165+!


  • dmlang22dmlang22 Member
    edited May 2022 130 karma

    3 is a lot in the sense that it kinda doesn't give you enough space in between each PT to fully understand why you made the mistakes that you did. It could be really beneficial to step away from PTs (or do less of them, at least) so that you can focus on improving your fundamental understanding of things you keep getting wrong. Drilling those specific things would be more targeted than taking tons of PTs

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited May 2022 2245 karma

    I don’t believe drops like this are uncommon at all, particularly when you’ve just started PTing. It’s hard to have an accurate PT average without some more PTs under your belt.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited May 2022 8491 karma

    A 5 point drop is nothing... if I saw someone with no score drops I would assume they were not using fresh content or otherwise failing to replicate testing conditions. First, PT scores don't matter. What matters is that you learn from the mistakes you make. Second, if they do matter, the only part that matters is an overall upward trend.

    Here's my journey (Note at what point I retired from doing PTs ;))

    Also, IMO 3 PTs a week is too much. PTs are just tests of your performance. You use them to diagnose issues and develop a plan to improve through drilling or whatever, then you execute that plan. Only after you've addressed those weaknesses, are you ready to test again and start the cycle over. If I ran bloodwork and my LDL and A1C is off the charts and my doctor is like you suck at being healthy, I cant just come back the next day to test my levels again and expect to not suck anymore. I need to: 1. figure out what I need to do to fix it (run, diet changes, stop drinking, etc.) then 2. actually do it. Then I can test myself.

    While there is some value to just seeing new content, if you do not afford yourself the time to adequately review, drill and rest, you are effectively wasting much if not most of that content's value.

  • madisont144madisont144 Member
    108 karma

    @canihazJD this is very helpful - thank you!

  • sgriffgorsgriffgor Member
    98 karma

    Just adding my voice to the chorus that drops like that are totally normal. You've only taken a few PTs, just keep going!

    In my view, 3 PTs a week isn't necessarily too many. I do 2-3 a week and I have a full time job. Take breaks when you need them and make time for blind reviewing/looking closely at your mistakes when you get your score. You won't get much out of a PT unless you thoroughly review your mistakes.

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