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Please Help Understand

Alex_I5Alex_I5 Member

I’m having a really difficult time with LR. Is there an approach that works for you when taking the test under timed conditions? For instance, MBT means do this; MSS means look for this. Sort of a guide or plan of action for each type of question.


  • Summer2022Summer2022 Member
    30 karma

    Hi Alex, if I am understanding your questions correctly - MSS means Most Strongly Supported question, I would say it has been helpful for me personally. It helped me to focus on what I am looking for while reading the passage thus I will be able to understand them in a time crunch.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Do you have the 7Sage core curriculum? JY often discusses strategies to attack individual LR question types in the core curriculum videos.

  • Alex_I5Alex_I5 Member
    17 karma

    Hello! Yes I signed up for the monthly subscription. I just need help understanding how to apply the learned materials. Sort of a reference or a guide for each question type. What is the first thing to look for in a must be true question? What should be done for the principle question?

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