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How to study for retaking LSAT in August

ekj123abcekj123abc Member
in General 5 karma

I got a 167 on the June exam after studying since Feb which was pretty disappointing because I was doing low 170s in my PTs. I've taken pretty much every PT but am now not sure how to study for my retake. I was usually only getting 2-3 wrong on my LR, -0 or -1 on LG, and my RC needed the most improvement. Now that I have to study for my retake I have no idea where to start.


  • 20 karma

    Hey, I'm in a very similar boat to you! Ive been studying since even before February, but I scored a 166 on my June despite PT's in the low 170's as well.
    My plan of attack is to make sure I am drilling every single day and taking at least 1 PT a week, if not more.
    Since you've taken almost all the PT's your situation is somewhat unique. However, from what I've heard, retaking PT's is still beneficial. Its unlikely you will remember every single question. Moreover, if you get a question correct and get it correct from "memory" after the test take some time to examine the question and really understand why it's correct. Try to explain why it's correct.
    If you have any interest in doing any joint studying or going over materials, etc. together I would be open to that! Especially considering we are in nearly identical places, maybe we can provide some mutual benefit and ways of improving. Let me know if you have any interest. If not, I hope some of my thoughts are helpful to you.

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