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Law School Prep Course

mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
in General 938 karma
About a month ago I purchased the 7Sage Law School Prep Course and got a bit of the way through it. At the begining it's mostly Larry, (the instructor) explaining how law school works and breaking down any misconceptions about how law school actually works. I've had the luxury of knowing individuals in 3L at the law school I intend to go to, explain to me how law school works. Larry is pretty spot on with most of it, but then again, I may have just totally ignorant of the obvious, as I let the LSAT consume me for the better part of a year. It was only $99 and I fully intend to finish the course, but will it help me? Some people say they did nothing before law school (including the 3L I spoke to about law school, in fact, she TOLD me to just enjoy my last summer). I'm just worried about issue spotting, and Larry REALLY emphasizes the importance of being good at it. If I want to be ahead of everyone in my class, the sooner I can issue spot better than most, I'm ahead of the game, right? I know it sounds sadistic, but I'm just thinking about my future! I know most of you guys are still studying the LSAT and haven't looked past that, yet. If anyone has more knowledge/opinion, please don't hesitate to respond! Love you all!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I've heard the full spectrum of opinion on law school prep with the majority leaning towards don't bother and FWIW I've seen good to poor reviews of Larry's course. I was considering it but now that it's leaving 7Sage I doubt I'll end up signing up on his new site. I would rather enjoy my time with my kids before law school starts than worry about prepping for law school. And since plenty of people get by without prepping anything I think you can definitely get by if you can figure out the system before your 1L fall finals. I tend to be very good at figuring out how systems work in order to exploit advantages in my favor so I think I'll be okay just picking up everything as I go along. Of course YMMV and you know yourself best so I'd say do what's right for you. If it sets your mind at ease then go for it, if not then enjoy your last bit of freedom before you start law school.
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    @Pacifico Yeah I understand taking a break. I'm just waiting for my letter to come in the mail and hopefully saying I've been accepted, otherwise a ear off and a 3rd try is on the way with early admission. I am relaxing, and I'm not sure how much motivation I have to study, which is why I'm asking. I feel completely burnt out (first summer I haven't had classes, because of undergrad.) So not doing ANYTHING except work feels weird. I guess I'll just chill and see what happens. Thank you for the comment :)!
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