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Speed on LG Set-Up

snowcap007snowcap007 Member
in Logic Games 180 karma

Hi everyone,

Whenever I complete a sequencing games drill, my set-up time is always way too long…I don’t know how to speed this process up because I usually make all of the relevant boards and inferences during my set-up time. As a result, I always finish the questions quickly and under time. My time is usually collectively less than the target time, but my set-up time is always over the target set-up time.

Is this sustainable in the long run, or should I focus on taking my set-up time down? If I need to speed up on set-up, how should I work on doing so?

Thank you for any help.


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    If you truly finish the questions under the game's target time every time (or almost every time) and get them all right, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with the amount of time you're spending on your setup. It just means that you prefer to spend more time getting familiar with the game, the pieces, and the way the rules interact than average -0 or -1 test-takers. That's perfectly fine (and, in the opinion of many, the better way to approach games). All that matters for any game is going -0 and doing it under target time, so if you've found a method that works and feels natural to you, stick with it. The only instance where you may want to stop spending as much time upfront is if you find a certain type of game/layout of game that you frequently spend a lot of time upfront on, fail to draw out any significant inferences, and don't complete under the target time. Seeing as that's not the case you're reporting, however, you should stick with your method.

    Also, for what it's worth, as you do more games, it's likely that your setup will get quicker. Even if you're still spending more time on setup than many -0 or -1 test-takers, it may not be by as much. Good luck with your journey! It sounds like you're well on your way to mastering games!

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    Hi! Sequencing games are usually very set up driven and have a few key inferences that drastically limit the amount of boards possible, so it is definitely not a bad thing to spend extra time in setting your board up; the questions will fly by very quickly if you do this correctly.

    The thing I do worry about, however, is question driven games. Board set up should be fairly quick because the majority of questions will ask you to make a new board. Be careful not to spend too much time on initial board set up on this type of games, or you will run out of time trying to make new boards for each of the questions.

    Hope this helps!

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