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Restrictive Rules

snowcap007snowcap007 Member
in Logic Games 180 karma

Hi everyone,

I keep hearing that more restrictive rules are better to split the board with. How do you tell if a rule is more or less restrictive?

Thank you in advance for any help.


  • TokhajaanTokhajaan Member
    130 karma

    If more more rules affect the slots, then it becomes restricted.

  • ryanblechta-1ryanblechta-1 Core Member
    16 karma

    The more specific the application of a rule the more restrictive the rule. A rule that allows a variable (X) to be placed only in the spot 2 or else 7 is very restrictive; similarly, a rule that makes it impossible for 5 of the 7 variables to be placed in a position is restrictive. You can divide the game board into two possible alternatives in both of these situations (assuming a single variable per position). Less restrictive rules would allow more possible game boards to exist and therefore would be less helpful in splitting the board.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Any rule that greatly limits where variables can or can’t go is highly restrictive. For instance, if you’re doing a five slot sequencing game and you have a three-variable block, it can only be placed in one of three positions (1-2-3, or 2-3-4, or 3-4-5). So you could split the board three times and see what inferences can be made with each placement.

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