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Are RC Missed Question Journals Useful?

Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
edited August 2022 in Reading Comprehension 2245 karma

For those of you that keep an RC missed questions journal: Do you find it useful? For those of you that don't: Is there a reason you don't? I've studied RC the least of any section and I'm wondering whether or not I should journal missed questions like I do with LR.


  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    edited August 2022 802 karma

    They are harder to use since you need to reread the entire passage to be able to answer questions, but if it is your weakest section, then I definitely recommend it. I have seen steady score increases from drilling and putting wrong answers in my RC journal.

  • RaphaelPRaphaelP Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1121 karma

    I think it can be quite helpful! As the previous comment said, there's a bit of a higher barrier to entry since you might need to reread an entire passage to do a question, but that's also somewhat of a feature and not a bug; it forces you to redo old passages and build speed in your reading. I also think that even if you don't review it often, the process of adding it into the journal can still be super helpful.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    @AlexgLSAT @RaphaelP both of your responses make a lot of sense! I appreciate the added perspectives. I’ll definitely keep one. Thank y’all!

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