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What to do when I face 2 RC sections on test day?

TokhajaanTokhajaan Member
in General 130 karma

I am taking the test for the first time.

I am ok with RC scoring on average -7 or -8. However, it is only when I do only 1 RC section. When I do the RC section, I usually have severe headaches Idk why.

Any suggestion on how to handle 2 RC sections on test day?


  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    For sake of establishing the relevance of my comment, I had double RC on my August take so I've felt the burden/pain.

    I have two recommendations:

    1) Practice double RC before your first take. I did double RC at least 3-4 times to build up stamina and prepare for the mayhem that ensues when you get double RC lol. You can, for example, do a PT under the "modern" settings so it automatically chooses only 3 sections and then create an RC drilling set and have it ready on another browser tab to transition straight into it after you do finish the first 3 sections. Or you can just do it randomly between any section. That doesn't really matter.

    2) Don't panic, read slowly, and shoot for accuracy. I felt pretty good about my RC because i've learned not to rush the first 3 passages. I read slowly and make mental notes after each paragraph or even after a very tough sentence. This allows me to reallllyyy comprehend and engage with the passage which in turn, allows me to move a little bit faster on the questions. And even if I have to rush a little bit on the last passage, I know that i got 95% of the questions right on the first 3.

  • TokhajaanTokhajaan Member
    130 karma

    Thank you so much

  • kanel1995kanel1995 Member
    226 karma

    Twice I have taken the actual test; I got 2 RCs both times. One time back-to-back RC. Like the person before mentioned, stamina is very important. Practice for it. I think everyone should be prepared for the possibility of 2 RCs. Good luck!

  • grugthesluggrugtheslug Member
    107 karma

    Read. And fast.

    Jokes aside, I got 2x RC on my Aug and although I was going to retake regardless, it bonked me hard

  • Aastha SAastha S Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    416 karma

    Hey! The best way to avoid a score decrease if you get to RC sections is to make sure you have a step by step process that you follow every time you do an RC passage. Try to stay away from gut feelings and intuition as much as you can. The more mechanical your RC approach, the easier it is to replicate even when you're tired!

    If you want some more individualized guidance on how to tackle the RC section no matter the condition, consider talking to one of the tutors here at 7Sage! You can use this link to schedule a free consultation if you're interested:

    Best of luck for the rest of your studying!

  • brandon.r.batchelorbrandon.r.batchelor Alum Member
    23 karma

    I think for me the best practice I've had has been exposure therapy. One thing that might help is finding some ACT PT's and doing those RC sections. Another thing I've found helpful is reading studies or writings about topics which I'm not familiar with. One way to practice this is offering to proof read friends' papers for classes you're not taking. My wife is an interior architect and I would often read her art history papers for her before she turned them in. This has helped me a lot and I hope you can find this helpful too! Good luck!!

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