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Timed vs Blind Review Score Differences Core Member
edited September 2022 in General 12 karma

Hey guys,

I've been studying for around 4 months and I've been getting quite discouraged by the big differences in my practice test and blind review scores, and was hoping to see if i could get any advice from anyone whose had similar experiences as me.

I have done around 20 practice tests and noticed that when i do them completely untimed, I get high around a 170 (give and take 3-4 points) However, the problem is that when i do them under timed settings, my score drops all the way down to 159-160s... its really concerning me, especially that i have a test scheduled this September.

Any advice would be appreciated! (Would also like to know how long you guys think the process of passing this timed vs untimed hurdle might take)


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