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How to study questions I got wrong?

I just took a pretest and had gotten 25 wrong. How should I review or go over the ones I got wrong. What excersise should I undergo to make sure I have gotten a proper understanding as to why I got these questions wrong and how can I improve. Also should mention the ones I got wrong were specifically in LR & RC I'm -0 in LG.


  • anonymous8anonymous8 Alum Member
    85 karma

    Congrats on -0 on Logic Games! For LR and RC review: You have to understand why the right answer is right and why the wrong answer is wrong. It sounds self-explanatory, but it's very tempting to just gloss over the answers on review and not engage with them. Think about it this way: any question you got wrong you made two mistakes 1.) You chose the wrong answer and 2.) eliminated the correct answer. On review, slow down and ask yourself why did I not choose the correct answer? Was it a single word that changed your mind? Example: Did they use strong words like "all" or "never"? or a word you didn't understand? Was it that they paraphrased the answer and that threw you off? Did two answers sound the same to you and you chose one at random? You're basically trying to find out where you made the mistake and teach yourself not to go down that same path the next time. I would suggest reviewing every question you got wrong, but also every question you got right but were not 100% sure of. You can also create a wrong answer log/diary to check for patterns. Are you missing the same type of question multiple times (Ex. MBT, MSS, NA, etc.)? It might be time to review the lessons on that again. I hope this was helpful!

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