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Any high scorers (175+) willing to tutor me in LR?

preppyprep_preppyprep_ Member
in General 30 karma

Current PT-ing in the low-170s, and I'm looking for a tutor to help me with LR. I consistently score -0 in LG, -2/3 in RC, and about -3/4 in LR. My goal is to perfect LR and get it down to -0/-1 in order to get into the mid to high-170s range.

I honestly don't need much help with general conceptual stuff, but I do have a few very specific weaknesses I'd like to work on. It would really help to see how a high LR-scorer approaches certain question types and hopefully I'll pick up some useful techniques/strategies along the way. (I do ask a lot of nitty-gritty and detailed questions though, so please don't get annoyed 🙃) Please pm me or leave a comment if you'd be interested!


  • LSAT LizardLSAT Lizard Alum Member
    331 karma

    I'm interested. I'm in the -0/-1 space for LR, and it's definitely achievable. -0/-1/-2 even more so.

    I'm in the EST time zone and signing off for tonight, but message me and we can discuss further tomorrow!

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