Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Admissions Advice: LORs - 7Sage Forum

Admissions Advice: LORs

Is there any harm to submitting an extra reference letter to schools if many of them only require 2? I have 2 LORs already, one of which is very strong, but the my 3rd referee is someone who I have also interracted with on a more personal level. My only worry is schools may not read all letters and will not review the letter that carries more weight to it.

  1. Submit an extra LOR?17 votes
    1. Yes - it doesn't hurt
    2. No - it could be consequential


  • baparacha-1baparacha-1 Member
    113 karma

    So I’ve been listening to the podcasts from 7 sage and the admissions people who come on say that due to the amount of files they go through they only have a set time to review your file. So whatever you add will take from that time. Also, they do care more about your personal statement and resumes (in comparison to LOR) and will usually only jot down something from the LOR if it’s memorable (for the wrong reasons). So if a school only asks for 2 only send 2 in especially if they are both strong. You want to submit the strongest application you can just just a really good application.

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