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Not seeing much LR Progress

I did the LR section of the 7sage course, and am a little better at identifying the correct answer, but still don't feel like I am where I should be, is the best way to improve in LR just to spam out drills?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Have you identified any questions types in particular that are troubling you? Are you running out of time on the section and not getting to attempt some of the questions? Are you attempting all of the questions but not having time to revisit any? Are you missing a lot of questions even when finishing the section with time to review some? Answering these questions will help you to determine how best to proceed studying LR.

  • blanklawblanklaw Member
    490 karma

    Agree with @"Matt Sorr", I also would include that you should have a specific, unambiguous approach to LR questions

  • sh.francissh.francis Core Member
    246 karma

    You alluded to difficulties in identifying the correct answer. When I am having trouble directly identifying the correct answer, I look for an answer that I am confident is incorrect and that is easy to eliminate. I then verbally explain to myself why that answer is incorrect. That little step helps me deepen my understanding the stimulus and the question. After doing that either the correct answer becomes more obvious or I've learned enough to eliminate another answer and so on.

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