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Fool Proofing Technique

Hi everyone! I am going to be taking the Nov 2022 LSAT and I really want to drill down on fool proofing LG. I was wondering how to go about this. Should I go back to each PT and do all 4 games timed? then BR? then if I get even -1, do that certain game 10 times? I am not sure how to go about this. Does anyone have step by step instructions on how to fool proof?

Thank you :)


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Since you only have a couple of weeks left before the test, I’d advise that you redo any game that you struggle with/miss questions on once or twice. Then, if you feel you’ve got the game down, focus on other games. You should remember most of the tricks you learn going into test day since there’s only two weeks. If you were multiple months out then a more thorough approach, like the one you mentioned, may be appropriate, but with your current time frame I think general exposure will help more. Definitely get a second opinion, though!

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