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Advice needed!! Study Plan for Jan LSAT

spiritedawayspiritedaway Member
in General 8 karma

I just got my oct lsat back and sadly it was quite lower than my goal score. I was able to get 170+ for my PTs in the weeks leading up to my LSAT but somehow on the real thing I just really underperformed. I also had many issues with ProctorU and it really made me lose my focus during the exam, which I think largely contributed to my performance.

Since I’m international there’s no Nov LSAT so the next one I have is Jan. It’s my last chance for this cycle and I really want to do well. Can I please have advice on how I should move forward? I took a break since the oct lsat until the score release and I'm ready to get back at it!! I’m thinking of doing a full PT per day but I’m not sure if this is the right path? I’ve done all of the exam questions on 7sage since 2000 in drill form and PT70+ in full PT form) so I’m also hoping I don’t remember any answers.

Thank you so much :)


  • tiara.laulusatiara.laulusa Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    30 karma

    Hey, @spiritedaway !

    I'm sorry to hear about the technical and/or proctor issues negatively affecting your performance. The good news is that if you were consistently scoring in the 170s before, you can absolutely achieve that kind of score on an official LSAT!

    I would not recommend taking a full, timed PT every day. 1) PTs are a finite resource, and you're already at the point of nearly exhausting that resource. 2) PTs are a great way to gather data about our weaknesses, strengths, and overall test taking strategies for the purpose of diagnosing what drills would improve us the most, but if you're scoring in the 170s, this doesn't need to be your main focus (not to say we shouldn't always try to improve, but just that it doesn't necessitate taking a PT every day). My suggestion would be to use the material you have left in a calculated way that will last you until January.

    If you'd like to talk more about how to do this and how a tutor could support you in your final months before January (for example, creating a study plan for you), feel free to use this link to schedule a free consult with one of the tutors here at 7Sage!

    PS: Love the username, that's one of my favorite Miyazaki movies.

  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    195 karma

    Hi @spiritedaway

    I definitely second all of Tiara's great advice here. I also wanted to mention that sometimes studying with a group can be really helpful, especially when you feel like you don't know what else to focus on or how to move forward. You're already scoring at a high level and working with people in a similar score range can be a great way to listen to some new perspectives, pick up tips, and just have people to talk through questions with and hold you accountable.

    If this sounds like something you would be interested in, you should join our next Study Group Break Out session! It will be on Monday, December 5th from 9:00-10:30pm ET. We put you in groups with other people scoring in the same range as you so you can all work together to prepare for test day early next year. Here's what you need to do if you're interested:

    1. Register for the Breakout no later than this Sunday, December 4th.
    2. Take PT53 Section 1 (based on 7Sage's numbering - should be an LR section) and blind review it, but DON'T look at the answers (I suggest you take it as a "Drill" rather than as a PrepTest).
    3. Log in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We will automatically place you in a group of 3-5 students with similar scores so you can review the section together.
    4. At the end of the session, you can exchange emails and keep meeting if you enjoyed the group.

    Register for the event using this link:

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