These are little things I need to know, but confused a bit here...
Help me out!
- So, once I've set up the LSAC account now (Summer 2015), paid for the CAS, and have sent my transcript, LORs, then my LSAC account information, CAS record as well as my transcript and LORs remain for five years? So that when the time comes (Fall 2016, the year I'm planning to apply) I can just go ahead and click "apply" button?
- And as for the question of when I should take the LSAT, I can go ahead and prepare all the necessary things (paying for the CAS, sending in transcript, LORs) BEFORE I register and take the LSAT?
- Are there other things that I absolutely gotta know?
Again, I really appreciate your help.
Yes. I did all of those things before the October LSAT even opened up for registration.
Relax. You're way ahead of the game so don't get too wrapped up in worrying about all of this if you're not applying until next year to start in the fall of 2017.