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Should you pay $30 more for JY's live LR classes, and is it worth it?

okkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkk Member
in General 135 karma

I've been doing LR for some time and for so long have been stuck around -5/-4. I have a solid grasp on the question types and what they require me to do, but I'm also lazy and have, for my entire LSAT study journey, avoided fully diagramming and exploring the logic embed in LR questions. I can eliminate most answer choices based on general rules, such as "this answer is prescriptive and therefore wrong". However, this approach which isn't exactly thorough prevents me from fully understanding the logic structure embed in any given stimuli, and by extension, also from applying said logic structure to the answer choices. Thus, with my shortcut approach, not only am I consistently not improving, but also liable to do much worse when that intuition is hindered by pressure on test day (done the test 3 times)..

I joined on his live class on a whim, which requires the updated subscription to access ( I believe $99 a month?), and I am taking my LSAT 3 days from the time of this post. All I can say is, I wish something like this was available sooner. JY's logic diagramming within his explanation videos are good (I think?) but they don't cut quite as deep when compared to live classes that often lead to a 'no loose ends' analysis.

The pace of live classes are not fast, going over just a handful of questions in the 1:30 - 2 hours. With that being said, there were no questions that we went over in which I did not learn something new. In this sense, the analysis is thorough. This is surprising, because the questions asked by participants/7sagers during his live session often initially struck me as trivial. They almost always, however, lead to a point that I personally did not notice/consider/realize. For allot of the questions I considered easy, they could've very easily (if the LSAT makers wanted to) been turned into a 4/5 star level question, and in that case, what otherwise seemed like a trivial inference, has now become a critical component of the question - that I would've missed.

During class, JY said something along the lines of 'Even if your intuition works, you need to be able to prove it'. If you feel you lack in this regard, I recommend you join his LR live classes. Whilst, I cannot speak to the efficacy of this class for those scoring near perfect on LR, I think for everyone else, these live classes may very well be worthwhile.

Not an advertisement, just a guy who's been studying for this damn test longer than he should be. If you're on the fence, give it a try.


  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1010 karma

    I think they are very helpful. They are absolutely worth it.

  • tiredgorltiredgorl Core Member
    44 karma

    i am struggling with LR, just hit 19 on a 25 and want to perfect it best way i can. im wondering if this is a good class to register for? i am considering both this 7sage and the lsat demon live course.

  • okkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkk Member
    edited November 2022 135 karma

    @tiredgorl said:
    i am struggling with LR, just hit 19 on a 25 and want to perfect it best way i can. im wondering if this is a good class to register for? i am considering both this 7sage and the lsat demon live course.

    Tomorrow at 12 pm there will be another live session with JY, if you sign up for the upgraded membership ($99), you can attend that, Just navigate to the top bar on the website, hover over 'course' and click live classes. Tomorrow (or later today?) the schedule will show JY's class.12 pm (EST) Nov 11 ( tomorrow) you'll be able to click and join on zoom.

    We had one today, it was great as expected. Give it a try before you sign up for other courses, since presuming you're already signed on a 7sage regular membership, it would be better to exhaust your options here before you spend and even greater amount to access an alternative studying resource. (don't know anything about lsat demon other than I've been getting more frequent youtube adds from them).

  • ochoacarladochoacarlad Member
    18 karma

    how did you access this for the extra $30? when I go to try to get this upgrade, it only shows upgrading to live which is $129/month, while my current subscription is $69 a month - so clearly the difference is more than $30.

  • alonsogaralonsogar Alum Member
    69 karma

    you prob have a grandfathered sub price. > @ochoacarlad said:

    how did you access this for the extra $30? when I go to try to get this upgrade, it only shows upgrading to live which is $129/month, while my current subscription is $69 a month - so clearly the difference is more than $30.

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