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What is Wrong with Me Premise/Conclusion

markmywordsmarkmywords Alum Member

I'm not being fully serious with my title, but I'm stumped. I have been studying inconsistently for about a year and a half. I've completed about 3/4th of the CC-- I should have come up the basic learning curve by now of simple identification of premise and conclusion. But in drilling/BR/wrong answer journal process, I've realized I am STILL misidentifying premise and conclusion. I'm feeling super discouraged. How am I still struggling with this?! I think what happened is I thought I understood the concept, went awhile unknowingly reinforcing bad habits, and now I'm in a bit of a rut. What now?! 😭


  • pnwrunnerpnwrunner Alum Member
    100 karma

    If you're not identifying the parts of the argument correctly, you'll likely benefit from reflecting on why you initially incorrectly identified the argument parts. During this reflection, take specific notes and then identify any trends. After you've been able to identify the trends, develop a strategy that reminds you to avoid making the same mistakes. The key is to take specific notes about your own thought process. Even taking notes about your thought process while actively reading the stimulus can be beneficial. I would suggest doing all of this untimed until you've developed a working strategy that shows improvement in your ability and understanding of how to identify premises, conclusion, context, and other miscellaneous information

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