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Are the live classes worth it?

mikalyn.greenzweigmikalyn.greenzweig Alum Member
in General 514 karma

I plan on taking my LSAT in January and I'd say I'm pretty far into my studies, however there are a few areas in LR and RC that I'd like to polish up between now and my LSAT date. I haven't heard much about the live classes but I was wondering if it would be worth it for me to upgrade for the month and join in on a few before taking my test, or would it be pointless. I'm not sure how in depth the classes are, but I am definitely past the basics of the LSAT and wasn't sure if the classes would benefit me much.


  • blanklawblanklaw Member
    490 karma

    Yes. definitely worth it-- you can ask all your questions etc. to tutors in the class; also some of the classes are more advanced than others.

  • Hey I can't really speak to most of the live classes but I have been attending JY's Live PT 93 classes and I cannot begin to explain how beneficial this has been. HIghly Highly suggest attending the last RC passage explanation set for 12PM ET today if you see this in time. Otherwise I highly encourage you to watch the recordings by going to the live classes tab then you will see an archive button of previous classes. Just filter for pt93 and all the previous one's have been LR and RC. Starting tomorrow we will be going over the LG section of that PT although you may feel like you might not need the help there (I'm in the same position as you) I suggest still attending.

    As for all the other classes I haven't attending many of them but you can still do what I suggested above by going to the archives, they are all recorded. There you can either gain some value by learning new things or just know that it won't be helpful for you if you find it to be too easy.

    hope this helps!

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