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Best for each area

bruno.dalsantobruno.dalsanto Alum Member
in General 94 karma
Hello everyone,
I know the topic was overly discussed but i think it would be useful for starters to have a list of what, most people, believe are the best resources for each area or just in general... I know how valuable 7sage is and the Trainer also seems to be a unanimity but besides that if everyone helped to put a nice list together i think it would be a nice starting point.
Thank you all


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I started with 7Sage and it really is the gold standard for LG. The LR is great as well and while I think their RC is a bit lacking since their approach didn't really apply to my particular needs, I think that their LR stuff really pays dividends for RC. I picked up the Trainer after I did 7Sage and I have about 50 pages left. I think it is also great for LR and it is the perfect complement to 7Sage's curriculum on that point. The Trainer's RC work is much more well rounded and is the best resource I have seen for such a difficult area to address. I know you're asking for alternatives but in my opinion 7Sage, the Trainer, some drilling materials, and 30+ fresh and clean PTs are all you need to max out your score.
  • bruno.dalsantobruno.dalsanto Alum Member
    94 karma
    Thank you @Pacifico, in respect to the drilling material, is Cambridge the best bet? A question which I always ask myself is if it is better to go through all the 7sage curriculum and maybe all the trainer and then start to do PT from 1-72( if you have time), or if you should do some drilling in between, what would you say?
    Thank you again
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    7Sage is 36+ for PTs... Since you need something to drill with you should use 1-35 for that... You don't want to PT those because they aren't as representative of the current test but can still be of use for drilling. If I were you I would go through the 7Sage curriculum and drill as it comes up in the curriculum. After you finish 7Sage then hit the Trainer, then start your PTs. As far as drilling material goes, as long as it is real LSAT questions it doesn't really matter what you get. You could get a bunch of the ten actuals so you could do full sections for LR rather than only drilling one question type the entire time you drill (which eventually becomes counterproductive).
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