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Drill within lessons

SammyJD1SammyJD1 Alum Member
edited December 2022 in General 95 karma

Hi everyone,

I had a question regarding the drill portion of each lesson.

Are we supposed to do it under timed conditions or untimed conditions? Also, do we have to blind review if were are doing it under untimed conditions?

Should we complete the entire lesson before moving on the to next lesson including drills?


  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    848 karma

    Hi @SammyJD1 ,

    The timing for taking Drills has been changed to "Unlimited timing" as a default to accommodate beginners who should not be doing drills under timed conditions.

    But for more advanced students, you should be taking drills under timed conditions. So you would have to change the timing to "Target time" or whatever timing you want to take the Problem Set in.

    You can change the timing of any Problem Set by tapping on the clock icon in the digital tester, followed by "Target time". Please see the sample screenshot below:

    We generally recommend that students do their Blind Review after completing the timed sections. You then receive a score for your timed sections and Blind Review (untimed) sections.

    Also, we recommend taking the course and working through the Core Curriculum in order. The Core Curriculum is a set of fundamental lessons that teach you what you should know to do well on the LSAT. However, you can choose which Lessons you wish to focus on by tapping on that Lesson title.

    I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions!

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