PTF97.S1.Q11 - Rose: The book is either by... (Parallel Method of Reasoning Question)

noreentareque00-1-1noreentareque00-1-1 Core Member
edited January 2023 in Logical Reasoning 8 karma

Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between AC C and D? I'm probably not mapping it out correctly, but C and D seem to have the same pattern of reasoning as the question stem. I chose D the first time but C when I did blind review and that makes me nervous.

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • azlawgirlazlawgirl Member
    38 karma

    Hi the most important difference between AC C and D is that D uses "most" - "most of the people in each city then...", while the parallel premise to the stimulus which is "books are GENERALLY published by quince press..." uses "generally"; in this case you can equate "most" to "generally"; AC C uses a definite phrase, so it does not exactly parallel the reasoning

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