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"No more likely" Meaning?

abbymajerusabbymajerus Core Member

I encountered a question with an answer choice that said something like "companies are no more likely to do X if B than if A"
This feels like a riddle to me, and I am not exactly sure what relationship is established here. My best guess was that this means that if B, then X is either the same level or less likely than if A. Is that correct or is there a better way to interpret this relationship?


  • DexterityDexterity Core Member
    edited March 2023 906 karma

    That's exactly right. Here's a simpler example of this kind of relationship:

    "A is no larger than B."

    So, if A isn't larger than B, then that leaves two other possibilities: A is either the same size as B, or A is smaller than B.

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