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Will LR make more sense with time?

kendsjeanskendsjeans Live Member

I just finished going through my main point and most strongly supported lessons, and still feel like I dont have a complete grasp on either of them, and that while I understand how to eventually get to the answer, I am not consistent with it and struggle BIG TIME with timing.

I am getting a bit discouraged as I feel it should make sense before I move on..

I was wondering if I should have it all figured out by now after completing these units and not move on until they make sense? Or if they are just a preview of information, and as I continue to progress through the lessons, they will make more sense with time?

Thank you so much for any help in advance!


  • silla.v.quinonessilla.v.quinones Free Trial Member
    11 karma

    I'm just starting my LSAT learning journey, but I happened on the BEST piece of advice going in: It all makes sense in the end. Meaning, you'll the big picture, understand the test once you're through learning it. You're going to fumble and keep fumbling until it clicks. Once you get it, you'll be close to done with learning about it. Trust the process, I know I am.

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